
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To Boldly Go...

I admit it. I am a geek. A nerd. A dork. Pick a term. It’s cool (though I’m not); I don’t mind. I watch Star Trek, Star Wars, and have pets named after characters. I’ve attended Harry Potter midnight book release parties and snurl my nose at Twilight (no self-respecting geek likes that!).

And I wish more people were geeks…Gospel Geeks (yep, I Jesus Juked myself!). I wish that we were more excited about spreading the Gospel like we would be about a discussion on Darth Vader vs. Spock (Spock would totally win).

I know a few Gospel Geeks. I gave birth to one, and my sister gave birth to two more. These kids “geek out” constantly, telling anyone who’ll listen that Jesus loves them and died on the Cross for them, and sing “Every Move I Make” and “One Way Jesus” at the top of their lungs in Home Depot (true story; they made people smile). They are living out their faith in a bold way that would make Paul proud. They may not have Proverbs 28:1* memorized, but they sure can live it!

The three Gospel Geeks: my nephew,
niece, and daughter.
From a sweet elderly woman to someone who smells “smokey” (in the non-legal kind of way), if they are within earshot of these kids, they will probably get an earful, and among the diatribe about family pets, video games, and favorite colors, there will be “Jesus loves you and He died for you.”

These kids haven't read David Platt. They have never been overseas, and may only have a vague idea of what a missionary is (if any at all). They aren't ordained, educated in theology at a private Christian university, or holding leadership positions in church.They just know a basic truth about their Savior, and want everyone else to know it too. And, unlike most adults, they are less concerned about how they look or sound doing it, and they are less worried about rejection.

Now that’s boldly going…

Melissa McGinnis is the Children's Ministry Director for LHF.

*The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions. Proverbs 28:1 NLT

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