
Monday, April 9, 2012

Just Between You, Me, & God 4/9/2012

What a beautiful Easter Sunday in Northeast Texas yesterday. I live near Lake Gladewater and there is a sunrise Easter service at the lake each year and I was there at 7AM. Listening to the singing echoing across the lake, I watched as the sun slowly peeked over the tall pines and the mirror still water began a slow ripple to the shore. I closed my eyes and tried to put myself outside the tomb wondering how I would have reacted. Having heard the Easter story for as long as I can remember it’s hard to imagine the discovery of the empty tomb with fear and disappointment that something had gone terribly wrong as Mary and the others originally had. The turning point for them is the same as it is for all of us, the acceptance of Jesus as He becomes real and alive in our lives. The dark feelings of abandonment, confusion, and hopelessness, following the crucifixion, evaporated as the dew does in the new morning sun. Jesus changes everything. The disciples that cowered behind locked doors became bold and daring, stopping only with their last breath in spreading the truth that they knew deep in their hearts, that Jesus was the Son of God, that he had died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, that He had been buried for 3 days, and that He was raised from the dead and would live forever, just as we as believers can. Where did the boldness come from? The conqueror of death told them that He would be with us until the end of the ages. How could they not go forth and share this life changing Good News with everyone in order to offer them what had been freely given to us at such a great cost? So why, after the Easter resurrection, does the Church go back inside and close the doors behind them, afraid to go out into the darkness with the light that was given us? It is time for the Church of Jesus Christ to once again do as we were instructed in Luke 9:23-26 and pick up our crosses and follow Jesus. Jesus walked out of the tomb and too many of us walked in and took up residence there. Just as Jesus arose from the grave, the Church today needs to arise and stand up for the truth of the Gospel no matter what the cost. What have we to fear in this life when we have an eternity with Christ waiting for us? Arise from your slumber, awaken for you sleep, put aside the things of this world and begin your work for the Lord. Romans 13:8-14. I’ll see you in the mission field of our communities. God bless, Pastor Dean.

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