
Monday, October 29, 2012

Just Between You, Me, & God 10/29/2012

TRICK OR TREAT!!! It’s that time of year already. In our neck of the woods (Northeast Texas) Halloween usually ushers in some of our first cooler weather, it signals the change from day light savings time, and marks the start of the Christmas selling season. I know the decorations have been up in some places since July but most people don’t really get serious about Christmas shopping until after Halloween. We usually buy enough candy for 200 kids and when we hit that number the porch light goes out and we go in even though there are still kids coming. What I enjoy are the little kids and the imagination that goes into their costumes. There are pirates and princesses, baseball players and ballerinas, ghost and gangsters, devils and dinosaurs. I know a lot of people get real legalistic and say that we’re supporting pagan holidays but for the kids it’s a chance to dress up and pretend to be someone they’re not, have some fun, see a lot of other neat costumes, and, oh yea, get some real good candy, if Dad doesn’t eat it all before they get home. As in watching TV, movies, video games, and other activities, it is the parent’s responsibility to teach their children through the experiences they are involved in. Every event is a teaching opportunity. As far as the mask go, why do adults get so upset about those. As adults, we change mask all day long, just ask your kids. If the phone rings while you’re upset with them, your voice changes dramatically as you pleasantly answer the phone. You’ve been in a foul mood all day but when you run into a friend at the store everything is great. You hate going to work in the morning but you’re not happy coming home either. You tell the pastor how much you enjoyed his sermon and complain about it all the way home. We teach our kids well. We tend to have a whole collection of mask and often wear ourselves out changing them all the time. It is a form of deception and lies but we had an expert teacher. 2 Cor. 11:14 tells us, “…Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” Jesus describes Satan in John 8:44, “… When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is the father of lies.” So don’t just put on a happy face, change your attitude by taking on a new role model, Jesus Christ. No trick, just my treat, Pastor Dean.

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