
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Where's Your Water?

Screencap from my iPhone

I have an addiction. Or pretty close to one. It can certainly interfere with productivity, and my husband complains that I don’t listen to him because of it. It’s Disney mobile’s “Where’s My Water?” Most people, especially those bearing iPhones and Android phones, know of this game. It is a terribly fun little game of physics, cartoon alligators, and animated sewers. The basic premise is this: get the water to Swampy (the loveable non-violent, cleanliness-seeking pacifistic gator hero). There are multiple levels of increasing difficulty. You dig through dirt, move water, deal with green ooze and acidic poison water, find hidden objects, and water little rubber duckies to accomplish the goal of filling Swampy’s bath. (Incidentally, I highly recommend this game, especially for families. My 5-year-old daughter also loves this game and has progressed further than my husband at this time.)

Just like Swampy, we’re all dirty and need to wash ourselves clean. And like Swampy, we have to deal with the ooze and poison in our lives. We need clean water to drink and to remove the ick from us. It was for these reasons that the Samaritan woman at the well in Sychar needed the water for (John 4). She, like Swampy, was seeking water for her immediate needs. In the time it takes to take a drink, her life was changed by meeting Jesus there, who had for her a “living water” (John 4:10) that will not only sustain her, but fill her like a spring always flowing (John 4:14).

Unlike Swampy, where the water must be dug up and moved around to come to the one who needs it, or be drawn up from a deep well like the Samaritan woman, the living water from Jesus requires one simple word from us: Please. All we must do is ask for Jesus to fill us up, to cause that spring within us to bubble up and keep us eternally refreshed. I pray that each of you read this has the living water within you, but also 

So…where’s YOUR water?

Melissa McGinnis is the Children’s Ministry Director for LHF. At this time, she has cleared every level of “Where’s My Water?” and is surprised to find that the house needs cleaning and the cat is on strike until it gets IT’S water refilled.

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