
Monday, May 21, 2012

Just Between You, Me, & God 5/21/2012

When I was a young man I loved Boy Scout camp. There were so many activities, swimming, archery, rifle range, fishing, hiking, and of course canoeing. There was always one kid in the canoe that loved to grab both sides and start to move back and forth, rocking the boat until it was near capsizing. I would have preferred a smooth ride across a mirror like lake, but that was not to be. Eventually even he got tired of the excitement and we would finish our journey with unsettled nerves and contempt for the one that caused us distress. It’s been a long time since I’ve been in a canoe but that guy must still be around because from time to time my boat still gets rocked. All I want is a smooth ride to the other side and a safe landing on the other shore but it seems like just as I get out in the middle a storm comes up and rocks my boat, often to the point of capsizing. What rocks your boat? Is it that unexpected bill, a confrontation you’ve tried to avoid at work or home, or an overloaded schedule? Rock, rock, back and forth. Perhaps it’s the job you’ve been looking for that just hasn’t surfaced yet, or the unexpected phone call about the death of a loved one, or maybe it’s the sinking feeling of dealing with an addiction that’s pouring water over the sides and swamping your life with fear and despair? Let’s go back 2000 years and add some high winds, lightning, and white capped waves. Climb on in the boat with some veteran oarsmen as they fight a sudden, furious storm. Rowing and bailing to no avail, their passenger, Jesus, is sound asleep in the front of the boat. I’ve been in the front of a boat going across heavy waves and it’s a jaw jarring event, but Jesus was tired, He was sleeping despite the apparent futility of the disciples to overcome the storm. Matt. 8:25-27, “The disciples went and woke him, saying “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm. The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and waves obey Him?” Did you see that, with a word, “it was completely calm.”? Do you have enough faith to trust Jesus to get you through your storms, is He even in the boat with you or did you leave Him on the shore? If the winds and the waves obey without question, shouldn’t we? Prov.3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Pastor Dean

Pastor Dean Hanssen is the Ministries & Outreach Pastor for LHF.

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