
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mutiny Is Fun: A Review of VeggieTales' Robin Good

For the second time this week, we have a guest blogger! This time, it is Rosaleen, age 5 and a member of LHF, who reviewed the newest VeggieTales adventure, Robin Good.

I could've reviewed it. I could've gone on and on about animation quality, plotlines, gags and humor, and Biblical truth, but let's face facts: many of you who are reading this are already familiar with VeggieTales, and are aware of the quality and production of Big Idea Productions.

What you really want to know is Will my kid like it?

So, without further ado, here is what Rosaleen had to say about VeggieTales; Robin Good. (And since Rosaleen is still learning how to read and write, we made it easier for her and did a video review). Roll film!

Click here for the VeggieTales website.

Melissa McGinnis is the Children's Ministry Director for LHF.