
Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Between You, Me, and God

Just Between You, Me, and God 2/24/2012 

When I was a kid I used to love to sit on a bar stool in the kitchen while my Mother would bake. There were so many different things going on at the same time. The oven was heating up, ingredients were being gathered, measured, sifted, and set aside for just the right time to add to the mix. Each one brought its own purpose and quality to the recipe. The big stand mixer would whirl away and blend everything to just the right consistency. Cookie dough would be placed on a metal sheet or cake batter would be poured into any one of a variety of pans that would insure perfect results and then into the preheated oven it would go, filling the house with a mouth-watering aroma that set the imagination afire with the expectation of the wonderful goodness to come. Sounds a lot like our Christian life, doesn't it. We, the ingredients in God's recipe are pretty bland by ourselves, but when the Creator adds just the right ingredients into the mix and molds them just the way He wants them He creates an irrestitible recipe for life here and the anticipation of an even better life to come. The best cookbooks in the world are put out by Chruch groups and God's recipe for Christian maturity was written down and passed on to us in the book of James.

Chapter 1: First preheat the oven(trials)

Chapter 2: In a bowl put in wisdom, add faith and works, this is important because faith without works is like dead yeast, it will be inactive and not produce life.

Chapter 3: Then add marinated or tenderized tongue.

Chapter 4: Strain out any selfishness floating to the top.

Chapter 5: Wait patiently, basting all the while with prayer.

May God use you powerfuly in His recipe for life. Pastor Dean

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy reading your writings! They are always uplifting, real, and relevant to my life. Keep it coming, Deano!
